Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

How was your Christmas?! 
If you follow me on Facebook or Instagram, you'll know that we had a pretty exciting one. Why didn't anyone tell me that playing "Santa" was so much fun?!

Well, Lydia doesn't understand all this Santa hype anyway. She really doesn't like strangers, especially big hairy ones who try to keep her away from mommy long enough to have a picture made. That's my girl! haha

We woke up and camped out in the bedroom long enough for me to get Russell on Skype. Then I had to carry her into the living room because she didn't want to walk for some reason. 

Blurry, but you get the point. 

Pondering what all this is. 

And what is the first thing she goes for?!…

The dog toys haha! She wouldn't touch anything until the hounds had their presents first. 
Such a giver :)

Then it was all in after that!  

Monkey was sitting in her shopping cart from Granny and Grandad. 

She likes her Kitchen a lot. She likes to put EVERYTHING in the sink (takes after her daddy on that) and then she puts it all in her shopping cart. And repeat. 

Clothes from Auntie Paula and Uncle David!

Trying on Mommy's new running shoes! 

Eating cinnamon biscuits in our new dress. 

Later we had to test out our painting set. I can say that I love that it only works on that certain paper. Mess free! 
We had a great Christmas. I'm sooo happy Russell got to watch the whole thing. Lydia got to show him everything she got. It was ALMOST as if he was here. 

My Children :)

Russell is still doing well. This morning he said it snowed about a 1/2 inch and covered the ground nicely. He loves the snow so I know that made him smile. He has started studying for another pin he wants. I'm glad he has something to occupy his time. He has a lot of down time when he isn't traveling. 

Merry Christmas from Russell!

I have officially made and sold my first diaper bags!! I am soooo happy with the way they turned out and very blessed to have people who are willing to pay me to make them! 

I made them from uniforms, cutting them apart, removing pockets, reattaching pockets….

I think most of you have seen the one that I carry most of the time, it is a lot smaller than these are. These are the size of normal diaper bags with pockets on each side and on the front and back. 

I hope you all have a blessed New Year. I am certainly excited to see the new year roll around since it means Russell will be home this year! 
Love you all!


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